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With this site I invite you into a precious and amazing world that to me personally is a treasure chamber filled with wonders that for so many years have captured my passion and where the seeds for my photography were planted. The beauty of this Micro cosmos that is to be found everywhere around us, from forests and deserts to wetlands and highest mountains, is impossible to ignore if we only care and look. Invertebrates and their diversity are indicators of healthy ecosystems with great diversity, just as the number of resident fish species are for tropical coral reefs.


To many these groups of animals are only filthy bugs and pests that should be destroyed, evil and dangerous things that only exist for their pleasure in targeting the human race. The truth is off cause nothing but further from the truth and it is a fact that, it is so much more likely to be bitten by your pet dog, than any invertebrate. Yes, there are a handful of species that is venomous, but they are predictable and instinctive creatures and don't bite or sting unless we attack or disturb them, a fact that can't be said for any dog.


All my images have been shot in natural habitats and all species photographed, where alive and only a few manipulated to face the camera. The naming of species is an ongoing and difficult task, but working together with Museums in Australia, North America and Denmark ensures that species have been identified to a minimum level of family or genus.


I have had the fortune to find and photograph more than 50 new un-described species of different insects, spiders and tarantulas from Australia, Papua New Guinea, Brazil and Africa, and so many new treasures are still to be found and behold. But just as the Tiger can’t survive without the forest and prey to feed on, so can’t these crawling and flying creatures thrive and multiply without plants, prey and clean water. A fact is also that almost all of the know species of land invertebrates are the basic food source for uncountable species of birds, mammals, reptiles and fish and not to forget the only way for many plants and trees to be pollinated so they can bear the fruit, which we so depend upon and take for granted.


All images show and all in my library are available for licensed purchase for digital and publishing purposes. Please contact me with you image inquiry and I will aim to mail a list of available species and prices within 24 hours.




​Born in Copenhagen, Denmark where I was raised among animals and a great knowledge about the natural world. My heroes was my Grandfather and Sir David Attenborough, whose  world renowned TV documentary "Life on Earth", made me dream about dense jungles and eternal natural spaces. I took up photography in 1996, made my first trip to Africa and by that started a journey that would take me around the world 7 times, revisit Africa 35 times and see parts of more than 38 countries around the world.

Professional freelance photographer since 2006, and specialized in Macro/ Nature photography. I have had my own business and studio in Denmark since April 2012, where I specialize in portraiture and maternity photography.


Hi my name is Claus Helveg, photographer, artist and explorer.

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